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New posts in similarity

Cosine similarity between 0 and 1

Similarity between two data sets or arrays

Systematic threshold for cosine similarity with TF-IDF weights

Which algorithm/implementation for weighted similarity between users by their selected, distanced attributes?

Python NLTK WUP Similarity Score not unity for exact same word

python nlp nltk similarity

Speeding up levenshtein / similar_text in PHP

Wordnet Similarity in Java: JAWS, JWNL or Java WN::Similarity?

OpenCV || contour similarity

opencv similarity contour

n-gram name analysis in non-english languages (CJK, etc)

python nlp similarity n-gram cjk

How to calculate different well-known similarity or distance measures between two vectors in R?

r distance similarity measure

How to get pair-wise "sequence similarity score" for ~1000 proteins?

r sequence similarity

Algorithm to find related words in a text

What's a good measure for classifying text documents?

How to find string similar to 2 other strings (in terms of Levenshtein distance)?

measure two different (vector) signal similarity

SQL - Similarity between two strings of varying length

I wish to create a system where I give a sentence and the system spits out sentences similar in meaning to the input sentence I gave

how to find the similarity between two curves and the score of similarity?

Postgres word_similarity not comparing words