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New posts in silverlight-3.0

Debugging silverlight 3 in vs2008 after vs2010\silverlight 4 installed

How can I put a Silverlight 3 DataGridCell into edit mode in code?

which frameworks(MVVM light, Prism, MEF,..) should i use for my Financial Silverlight application?

Silverlight DataGrid Updating SelectedItem from code

Can I have a ValueConverter in my ViewModel?

Autocompletebox SelectedText Bug

Silverlight user authentication

Silverlight Control Lifecycle


Is Silverlight isolated storage treated as permanent, or as a cache?

Create Dependency Properties for setting Custom EventHandlers in XAML

Silverlight 3 out-of-browser: set host window size?


Is there value in using a Silverlight framework?

ag_e_parser_bad_property_value Silverlight Binding Page Title

How does a Silverlight DataForm auto-generate a binding from a ComboBox to an enum?

XAML: make a ScrollViewer show scrollbars when the ScaleTransform of a child object gets big

Can I add dll to Silverlight 3 application?

How maintain the Silverlight application state aftwer the user press the browser refresh button?

Cleanest single click + double click handling in Silverlight?

Can we manipulate (subtract) the value of a property while template bidning?

get the coordinates of a FrameworkElement bounding rectangle