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New posts in sharing

Can I get YouTube to appear in the share sheet of my OS X app?

macos youtube sharing

OpenGL and multiple GPUs - General possibility

Two C++ apps sharing a read-only region of memory on Linux

c++ sharing mmap

Is it possible to share audio input (Microphone) stream in Android?

What is maximum message length for Facebook wall post

Android: Sharing (something) via Intent.ACTION_SEND, then automatically return to my app

android action send sharing

iOS: Share data between different users

ios sharing cloudkit

How much information do array variables share?

Sharing Content On FaceBook Android

GWT - What's the shortest way of simply sharing strings and number constants between Java code and UiBinder files?

gwt constants sharing uibinder

How do I share a link and photo with Instagram using PHP [duplicate]

php photo sharing instagram

Feasibility of shared code between .NET and Silverlight?

c# .net silverlight sharing

FB, TWITTER,G+ share url and fixed preview image

What does sharing refer to in the implementation of a functional programming language

Check if user shared on Facebook [duplicate]

How can I block my app from being available for sharing via Bluetooth?

INetSharingConfiguration->EnableSharing( ICSSHARINGTYPE_PUBLIC ) returns 0x80040201

c++ windows-7 sharing

Show thumbnail for url attachment on UIActivityViewController