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New posts in shared-ptr

How can I use shared_from_this in a derived class without superfluous RC manipulations?

c++ c++11 shared-ptr

Should my API functions take shared_ptr or weak_ptr

c++ shared-ptr weak-ptr

Why can't intrusive_ptr and shared_ptr be used with boost::intrusive containers?

Unexpected behavior from shared_from_this when creating multiple shared_ptr "families" over same object

c++ shared-ptr weak-ptr

Is there an STL comparator for std::set (or std::map) with shared_ptr keys that provides value-based lookups? What exactly does std::owner_less do?

Why doesn't `static_pointer_cast` work with ADL, but requires explicit `std::`?

boost::make_shared<T>(...) does not compile, shared_ptr<T>(new T(...)) does

boost c++11 shared-ptr

Function overloading with shared pointer argument ambiguity

Using boost::shared_ptr with classes that overload the subscript operator ([])

Moving a shared_ptr to the method called on the object the shared_ptr points to

c++ c++11 c++14 shared-ptr c++17

Having a vector of weak_ptr, want to return a vector of shared_ptr

Using STL algorithms with shared_ptr, function objects

why shared_ptr can access with ingoring the "protected access right"

c++ shared-ptr

c++ exception safety in constructor

assigning one shared_ptr to another

c++11 shared-ptr

Why does shared_ptr signature differ from unique_ptr for arrays?

Using boost::shared_ptr with a view to replacing it later

How to represent shared objects in UML?

std::shared_ptr internals, weak count more than expected

c++ stl shared-ptr

Same address, multiple shared_ptr counters, is it forbidden by C++ standard?