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New posts in shared-memory

How and when to use /dev/shm for efficiency?

Why is communication via shared memory so much slower than via queues?

How to iterate over a dict proxy in Python?

Is heap memory per-process? (or) Common memory location shared by different processes?

What does the shmop PHP extension do?

php shared-memory

Mutex in shared memory when one user crashes?

c++ c linux mutex shared-memory

Under what circumstances will .NET processes and AppDomains share loaded assemblies in memory?

Platform independent memory mapped [file] IO

Can I somehow share an asynchronous queue with a subprocess?

C++ boost libraries shared_memory_object undefined reference to 'shm_open'

Process VS thread : can two processes share the same shared memory ? can two threads ?

Shared Memory or mmap - Linux C/C++ IPC

c++ c ipc shared-memory mmap

Mapping non-contiguous blocks from a file into contiguous memory addresses

Deleting shared memory segment with shmctl

c linux shared-memory

Posix shared memory vs mapped files

What special powers does ashmem have?

android linux shared-memory

How to use POSIX semaphores on forked processes in C?

MPI vs openMP for a shared memory

mpi openmp shared-memory

Why use shm_open?