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How to make expect command in expect program script to wait for exact string matching

shell unix scripting sh expect

How can I make a "read-only variable"?

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Bash syntax in /etc/profile

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Source not found on Vagrant up

unset bash function variable with non-standard name

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Linux proc/pid/fd for stdout is 11?

linux sh file-descriptor

How to query the character under the current cursor position or anywhere on the screen in bash

Is it necessary to quote command substitutions during variable assignment in bash?

bash shell sh

inotifywait shell script run as daemon

What does this mean SCRIPTNAME="${0##*/}" in shell script?`

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Delete the last word of a line in shell

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What's the difference between <<EOF and <<\EOF heredocs in shell

bash shell sh

Using Jenkins Environment Variable in Pipeline SH script

When invoking a Python script, what is the difference between "./script.py" and "python script.py"

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Check if jar running from shell

java shell sh executable-jar

Testing against -n option in BASH scripts always returns true

bash shell sh

why does a simple Python/Haskell/etc program freeze/hang when doing an import?

Why do I get different output on linux and OS/X

c linux macos printf sh

"${0%/*}" and "${0##*/}" in sh [duplicate]

bash sh

How to use xargs to replace 2 arguments

bash shell sh