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Shell: Capturing output files in variables

bash shell sh zsh

Running a script in FreeBSD after boot/reboot

cron sh freebsd rc

echo -e backslash escapes not being respected in sh

bash ubuntu centos echo sh

What platform independent way to find directory of shell executable in shell script?

round up the bc scale instead of round down with scale or printf [duplicate]

bash shell expression sh bc

Execute symbolicatecrash from shell script

ios shell sh symbolicatecrash

One line setting environment variable and execute command, got different results in sh and bash

linux bash shell sh

Running Executable from Shell Script


Replacing special characters in a shell script using sed

shell sed sh

Check if Bash script is compatible with sh

bash shell scripting sh

Should I use "test" or "[" "]" in POSIX shell?

shell posix sh

Getting Bad substitution error with a Shell Script on a mac?

macos shell terminal sh posix

how to replace "/" on path string with "\/" using sed?

bash shell sed sh

Bash Script - split string using regex delimiter

regex string bash split sh

Difference between pgrep in sh and bash

bash grep sh

Simplest way to inform a local erlang node from a shell command

erlang distributed sh

How to handle "--" in the shell script arguments?

bash shell zsh sh

Facebook iOS SDK - How to build static library for Xcode 4.3?

ios facebook sdk sh

How to run R codes inside shell script?

r shell sh

How I get the HTTP responses from bash script with curl command?

linux bash http curl sh