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New posts in setuptools

What is the preferred conventional way of incorporating a third party library in Python open source projects?

python setuptools

Why doesn't setuptools copy modules in a subfolder?

python packaging setuptools

Python setuptools not including C++ standard library headers

python c++ macos setuptools

Entry point for a bokeh server

install python package from github using requirements.txt

using setuptools with post-install and python dependencies

force unpacking of certain egg directories

Python: pip installs sub-packages in root dir

Why is setuptools not installing my "data files" named in MANIFEST.in?

python setuptools

Python 3 setuptools on mac

macos python-3.x setuptools

setup.py: require a recent version of setuptools before trying to install

What does an empty string key for package_dir do in setup.py?

python gradle setuptools

Distribute/distutils specify Python version

Python's setup.py installed CLI script doesn't allow importing same module

python module setuptools

Including and distributing third party libraries with a Python C extension

Equivalent of `python setup.py develop` in poetry

setuptools python-poetry

How to install setuptools?

python setuptools

Python installing setuptools, ez_setup.py error

python setuptools

setup.py: run build_ext before anything else

not able to update my package on pypi.org

python pip setuptools pypi twine