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New posts in setuptools

Why does "python setup.py sdist" create unwanted "PROJECT-egg.info" in project root directory?

Python package structure, setup.py for running unit tests

python testing setuptools

How to specify version ranges in install_requires (setuptools, distribute)

python setuptools

How may I override the compiler (GCC) flags that setup.py uses by default?

What is the advantage of setting zip_safe to True when packaging a Python project?

python packaging setuptools

What's the difference between setup.py and setup.cfg in python projects

stopping setup.py from installing as egg

Difference between extras_require() and install_requires() in setup.py?

python setuptools setup.py

pip install . creates only the dist-info not the package

What is the correct way to share package version with setup.py and the package?

python setuptools distutils

Symbol not found: __PyCodecInfo_GetIncrementalDecoder

Setuptools "development" Requirements

pip ignores dependency_links in setup.py

Latest 'pip' fails with "requires setuptools >= 0.8 for dist-info"

Upgrading setuptools on OSX El Capitan

Python packages and egg-info directories

python setuptools egg

How do I set up Setuptools for Python 2.6 on Windows?

python windows setuptools

How include static files to setuptools - python package

python package setuptools

What is the official "preferred" way to install pip and virtualenv systemwide?

Why is pip installing an old version of my package?

python pip setuptools