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New posts in setup.py

Python cx_Freeze name __file__ is not defined

tox tests, use setup.py extra_require as tox deps source

python testing setup.py tox

tox uses wrong version of pip when multiple versions of python are installed

python version pip setup.py tox

How to properly define package_data in setup.py? [duplicate]

Detect python package installation path from within setup.py

Calling script in standard project directory structure (Python path for bin subdirectory)

python setup.py

How should I handle importing third-party libraries within my setup.py script?

Difference between setup.py install and setup.py develop

python setuptools setup.py

Including data files with setup.py

setuptools: data files included with `bdist` but not with `sdist`

python setuptools setup.py

Compiling an optional cython extension only when possible in setup.py

Why isn't setup.py dependency_links doing anything?

python python-3.x setup.py

In a setup.py involving Cython, if install_requires, then how can from library import something?

python pip cython setup.py

How can a Python module single file be installed using pip and PyPI?

python module setup.py pypi

How to extract dependencies information from a setup.py

python setup.py

Python: migrate setup.py "scripts=" to entry_points

python setup.py

Cython attemps to compile twice, and fails

Packaging a Python library with an executable

python packaging setup.py