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New posts in setup.py

Installing python setup.py into an alternative path doesn't find installed package

What is the most conventional way to integrate C code into a Python library using distutils?

How to debug pip install <package name>

Including external binaries in python package

python setup.py

py2exe - missing module FileDialog after compiling Tkinter gui executable

How to create a deb package for a python project without setup.py

Pre-release versions are not matched by pip when using the `--pre` option

pip install from specific setup.py

python pip setup.py

Dependency links for extras_require in setup.py

python pip setuptools setup.py

How do I test the setup.py for my package?

Install psutil without gcc

Why is relative path not working in python tests?

Should I include Sphinx and/or Nose in my module's requirements.txt?

What needs to be in a setup.py to create a wheel?

Difference between prune and recursive-exclude in setuptools?

How do tell setuptools to get my package from src/mypackage

python setuptools setup.py

Why does `setup.py develop` not work?