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py2exe - missing module FileDialog after compiling Tkinter gui executable

My question is much the same as this already answered question(Missing tkinter attributes after converting to py2exe executable). But it relates to python 2.7, which uses Tkinter, instead of tkinter.

I am basically having the same issue running my executable after compiling.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "main.py", line 5, in <module>
  File "gui.pyc", line 5, in <module>
  File "matplotlib\backends\backend_tkagg.pyc", line 7, in <module>
  File "six.pyc", line 199, in load_module
  File "six.pyc", line 113, in _resolve
  File "six.pyc", line 80, in _import_module
ImportError: No module named FileDialog

But as I am using Tkinter with python 2.7 it means I can not do:

from tkinter import FileDialog

I have tried using

from tkFileDialog import askopenfilename


import tkFileDialog

but none have worked. Am I facing having to upgrade python to 3 just to be able to properly compile Tkinter? Or is there a workaround I'm missing?

This is my current setup.py

from distutils.core import setup
from glob import glob
import py2exe
import sys
import matplotlib

sys.path.append("C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\\VC\\redist\\x86\\Microsoft.VC90.CRT")

data_files = [("Microsoft.VC90.CRT",
           glob(r'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\redist\x86\Microsoft.VC90.CRT\*.*'))]

    version='0.1 beta',
    requires=['matplotlib', 'PIL', 'py2exe']

I have tried to specify tkFileDialog in options: includes: but still no luck :(

options={'py2exe': {'includes': ['Tkinter', 'tkFileDialog']}, }


I found the answer after some investigating. You can actually just

import FileDialog


If you want to avoid the "unused import" feedback some debuggers and ide's give you, you can add the package FileDialog to the packages dictionary of py2exe in stead

options={'py2exe': {'packages': ['FileDialog']},}

Perhaps someone can help clarify why either is more appropriate?

like image 285
djoe Avatar asked Apr 23 '15 16:04


1 Answers

Instead of using "includes" use "packages" and only specify the package, in this case 'Tkinter'.

like image 61
Werner Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 02:10
