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New posts in serde-json

Parsing an object inside an object with serde_json

json rust serde hyper serde-json

How to partially deserialise a JSON object?

rust serde serde-json

How do you make a Serde struct work with both borrowed and owned data?

rust serde serde-json

What's the difference between using the return statement and omitting the semicolon in Rust?

rust return serde-json

Get name of enum variant as string with serde

rust serde serde-json

Rust handling error response bodies with Reqwest

rust reqwest serde-json

How can I merge two JSON objects with Rust?

How do I avoid generating JSON when serializing a value that is null or a default value?

rust serde-json

Parsing a JSON into a Map in rust

rust serde-json

How can I accept multiple deserialization names for the same Serde field?

rust serde serde-json

How can I deserialize a type where all the fields are default values as a None instead?

json rust serde serde-json

Deserialize a JSON string or array of strings into a Vec

rust serde serde-json

How can I deserialize an enum when the case doesn't match?

rust serde serde-json

"invalid type: map, expected a sequence" when deserializing a nested JSON structure with Serde

Lifetime error when creating a function that returns a value implementing serde::Deserialize

rust lifetime serde serde-json