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New posts in sequence-points

Undefined behavior, or: Does Swift have sequence points?

Is this code well defined?

Is there a sequence point between structure member initializations?

An explanation about Sequence points

c++ sequence-points

Does the following code invoke undefined behaviour?

how to check that behavior is undefined in c?

complicated expression involving logical AND (&&)

c++ c sequence-points

Can a C/C++ compiler legally cache a variable in a register across a pthread library call?

Are there any situations where code would have a sequence point in c++11 but not c++03?

c++ c++11 sequence-points

Where do sequence points come from?

c++ c sequence-points

Behavior of an expression: Defined or Undefined?

Post-increment and variable re-use in a single statement, Perl 5 vs Perl 6

Segfault with strcmp

Chained compound assignments with C++17 sequencing are still undefined behaviour?

Will i=i++ be newly well-defined in C17?

C++ cout side-effect sequencing

Sequence Points between printf function args; does the sequence point between conversions matter?

Does placement-new introduce a sequence point?

Sequence Points and Method Chaining

Is "*p = ++(*q)" undefined when p and q point to the same object?