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New posts in sensors

Android direction sensor

android sensors direction

Polling the accelerometer/motion sensor in a MacBook Pro

Autonomous robot location detection indoors

read temperature from DHT11, using pi4j

java raspberry-pi sensors pi4j

Getting sensor values per second

Correcting for Noise in Multiple Geographic Sensor Readings

SensorTag 2 CC2650 advertising indefinately firmware

bluetooth sensors

How to get the compass direction from azimuth on Android

Remove gravity from IMU accelerometer

How to use Android sensor event to determine if device is facing up or down

android rotation sensors

DHT22 Sensor import Adafruit_DHT error

Using Python to analyze large set of sensor-data

python excel pandas sensors

Is there a Java SE sensor API? [closed]

java api sensors

Android: Sensor.getResolution() value

Get sensor values Ubuntu Touch

qt ubuntu sensors ubuntu-touch

how to calculate phone's movement in the vertical direction from rest?