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New posts in self-reference

Self reference in interfaces

PHP: if ($Name=='ProxiedIP') leads to 500 (Internal Server Error)

How do I create a table with self-referencing fields in MySQL?

What is quine meant for?

DLL unloading itself

dll self-reference

C++ Using a reference to the variable being defined

Eager loading of Linq to SQL Entities in a self referencing table

Django: Query self referencing objects with no child elements

What do you call a function that calls itself (is this called recursion)?

Python : How to refer itself in the list comprehension? [duplicate]

What is the meaning of [...] in python? [duplicate]

python self-reference

Defining something to itself in C preprocessor

Advice/discussion on anonymous "self referential" data structures

Entity Framework Code First: how to map multiple self-referencing many-to-many relationships

Is adaptive parsing possible in Prolog?

has_many :through multiple has_one relationships?

Const self-referential structures