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TextBox - Can I keep the selection highlight when it loses focus?

How to programmatically select top row of JQGrid?

jquery jqgrid selection row

Use Javascript to get selected text in Mobile Safari

Selecting text behind another element with createEvent

Prevent selection being greyed out in iframe in Firefox without using contenteditable

What is the modal selection selection mode?

QTableView selectionChanged

qt qt4 selection

ListBoxItem selection on TextBox focus

wpf textbox listbox selection

Java: Selected rows's index does not changes when sorted

java swing jtable selection

Select Top N Records Ordered by X, But Have Results in Reverse Order

sql selection

Genetic Algorithm - what is steady state selection?

How do I prevent ListView footer from becoming selected?

Select element cause a scroll to top of the page on iOS devices

JavaScript Drag & Select functionality done right

Set a background color to a selected ListView Item in android

How does Twitter implement its Tweet Box?

WPF DataGrid full row selection

Pandas: cannot filter based on string equality

Get selected text and selected nodes on a page?

QTextEdit. How to select text manually?

c++ qt selection qtextedit