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ListBoxItem selection on TextBox focus

I have a ListBox showing items using the following DataTemplate:

<DataTemplate x:Key="PersonTemplate" DataType="{x:Type DAL:ResultItem}" >
  <StackPanel Width="280" >
    <TextBox BorderThickness="0" IsReadOnly="True" Background="Transparent" Text="{Binding FullName1, Mode=OneWay}"/>

I am using a transparent, read-only, borderless TextBox as opposed to a TextBlock because I want users to be able to select the text for copying. Should I do it differently? How can I write this so that when the user clicks on the TextBox, the ListBoxItem gets selected as well?


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Gus Cavalcanti Avatar asked May 26 '09 22:05

Gus Cavalcanti

1 Answers

I found that the answer is just to do this from the ListBoxItem standpoint, adding the following to its DataTemplate:

  <Trigger Property="IsKeyboardFocusWithin" Value="True">
    <Setter Property="IsSelected" Value="True"/>
like image 197
Gus Cavalcanti Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 04:11

Gus Cavalcanti