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New posts in sed

Extract Nth line after matching pattern

regex sed awk grep

How do I insert a line above specific lines in a file using Vim or Perl?

regex perl vim sed

Show lines which does not contain specific string on Linux

linux awk sed grep

Replace specific word between characters using sed?

regex sed

Sed failing to replace string in quotes during Gitlab CI

How can I change the 'sed' slash (/) delimiter in insert command? [duplicate]


A script to change file names

awk sed echo

How to to delete a line given with a variable in sed?

linux bash sed

Remove "no newline at end of file" changes from git stage

git sed newline

Replace line with space and backslash with a string containing spaces

linux unix sed

Search and replace variables in a file using bash/sed

bash sed

Prevent sed from adding newlines at the end of files

git bash sed

sed with special characters

linux bash unix sed

Bash: using sed with a variable line number, and variables in the line replacement

bash sed

Can I programmatically "burn in" ANSI control codes to a file using unix utils?

linux awk sed cat

sed: replace multiple periods with another character


Trying to Delete Certain Lines in a Range Using sed

linux sed

Delete n1 previous lines and n2 lines following with respect to a line containing a pattern

bash unix sed

using awk to extract and split

string bash sed awk strip

sed extra characters at end of l command

sed freebsd