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How to conditionally remove first line only with sed when it matches?


Shell script to get list of defined users on Linux?

linux bash sed awk

Combine multiple sed commands [duplicate]

regex shell sed

Replace substring with sed

shell sed sh

sed only the last match pattern

linux sed

How to insert string or newline before a pattern "Using SED" ( Without replacing the pattern) In MAC OS

bash macos shell sed

sed -i touching files that it doesn't change

sed ksh

How to select multiple lines from a file or from pipe in a script?

How can I ensure a Bash string is alphanumeric, without an underscore?

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Bash: How can I replace a string by new line in osx bash?

bash sed

How to delete lines from file with sed\awk?

linux bash sed awk freebsd

Change any number of delimiters in found pattern with sed

regex perl awk sed

Shell command to strip out ^M characters from text file [duplicate]

regex linux awk sed grep

LIst of dirs without trailing slash "/"

linux bash sed awk

Extracting a part of String using grep/sed

regex sed grep

sed on mac: 'extra characters after p command'

regex macos sed

Extract text between two strings repeatedly using sed or awk? [duplicate]

Why these simple shell commands fail when used in sed's replacement part

macos bash shell sed awk

Extract last word of a file in bash/sed/awk

bash file awk sed

Regex pattern to edit /etc/sudoers file

regex linux bash sed awk