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Stripping blocks of text from huge text file

sed awk

Python as "perl -pe", execute Python command for every line in stdin [duplicate]

python perl sed awk

Quickest way to split a large file based on text within the file in linux

linux bash sed awk

How can I get a range of line every nth interval using awk, sed, or other unix command?

unix sed awk cat

How to find a pattern using sed?

unix command-line sed

Use sed to edit crontab

bash shell unix sed crontab

Running sed in parallel

Why does a space cause the remembered pattern in sed to output different things

Bash insert subnode to XML file

xml bash shell sed xmlstarlet

sed: removing alphanumeric words from a file

sed text-formatting

how to use sed to replace text in subfolders

ubuntu sed

Why does sed not replace overlapping patterns

shell unix sed

Is there a way to match such pattern with shell or sed?

shell sed

sed: Argument list too long

shell sed

How to get sed to anonymize all e-mail addresses in file

regex sed

sed error complaining "extra characters after command" [duplicate]

bash shell sed

Sed pacman.conf remove # for multilib & include

bash sed archlinux

How To Remove Single Blank Line Only - Keep Multiple Blank Lines

regex linux bash awk sed

Why does "sed -n -i" delete existing file contents?

sed gnu-sed

sed Pattern to Insert Comma between double Quotes

bash shell unix sed