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New posts in sed

sed with & in variable

variables sed

Case-sensitive replace of known words with sed

regex sed

What are some powerful tools for text manipulation and pre-processing in R?

r sed awk

Limiting SED to the first 10 characters of a line

bash sed

Bash - Swap Values in Column

linux bash sed awk grep

complex transposing of columns with pure sed

regex sed pattern-matching

why "extra characters after command" error shown for the sed command line shown?

sql linux shell sed

Execute command on the same line multiple times with sed

regex linux sed

Sed to Search 2 patterns, if the first pattern not exist, print the second pattern


Awk, tail, sed or others - which one faster for big files?

linux bash shell awk sed

How to search and replace a string in the lines added in the last X commits?

git sed replace

How to get a flat XML so that external entities are merged to the top level

python xml bash editor sed

removing multibyte characters from a file using sed

sed multibyte

Get regions from a file that are part of regions in other file (Without loops)

perl matlab sed awk

Linux top -b show specific columns only [closed]

linux bash shell sed awk

Using a single sed call to split and grep


How do I get sed to print a range of lines until it sees two consecutive blank lines?


Joining Line Breaks in FASTA file With Condition in SED/AWK/Perl one-liner

linux perl unix sed awk

Having an extra characters error with sed when using curly braces or loops

windows regex unix sed cmd

Shell script to replace a variable in a HTML document

html templates shell sed awk