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New posts in second-level-cache

A soft-locked cache entry was expired by the underlying Ehcache

How N+1 issue can be resolved by introducing second-level cache in Hibernate?

Hibernate 2nd level cache objects that are lazy=false, result in a default fetch=join, is it documented anywhere?

Hibernate lazy loading and Hazelcast

EhCache + hibernate

How I can disable the second-level cache of some certain entities in Hibernate without changing annotations

Doctrine Second Level Cache w/ Redis

Hibernate 2nd Level caching doesnt seem to be working

How to configure second level cache in Hibernate 4.1.5 SP1?

Hibernate second level cache and ON DELETE CASCADE in database schema

EHCache Configuration + Spring Boot: NoCacheRegionFactoryAvailableException

Hibernate 2nd level cache ObjectNotFoundException with a high number of concurrent transactions

How to use second level cache for lazy loaded collections in Hibernate?

NHibernate caching entities across sessions using SysCache

Working example of Hibernate 3.6.2 2nd level caching with JPA2?

Nhibernate 2nd level caching issues / questions when moving from a single web server to a multiple web server load balanced environment

How to configure second level cache in Hibernate 4.3

Hibernate: Clean collection's 2nd level cache while cascade delete items

Can we use JPA2 annotations to cache associations?