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BASH - counting the number of executable files

linux bash shell unix scripting

Copy one file into every subdirectory

bash shell scripting

From a bash script in OS X, is it possible to prompt for Administrator permissions?

Visual Basic scripting dynamic array

scripting vbscript

Run a powershell command through AutoHotKey script

Compare many text files that contain duplicate "stubs" from the previous and next file and remove duplicate text automatically

How can I implement scripting in my game?

Is there a common term for GUI applications that wrap a command-line program?

MySQL multi CREATE TABLE syntax help?

What scripting language should be recommended to an experienced OOP programmer?

c# asp.net scripting

example using rhino's JavaAdapter

java scripting rhino adapter

What compile time features does Perl provide that other languages don't?

Batch scripting, Powershell, and not triggering the UAC in Windows

pipe one long line as multiple lines

bash shell scripting awk zsh

Why embed lua into a game engine?

scripting lua embed

delete the last 2 characters from a text file: shell script

shell scripting

How to know what script header to use and why it matters?

linux bash shell scripting

Pass argument into Powershell

Should you standardize on a scripting language in a dev group?


Bash script does not continue to read the next line of file