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New posts in screen-orientation

Do I have to use the accelerometer in Android to get my photos to orient correctly?

shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation Getting called twice on launch

ImageView on orientation change - Drawable ignores setBounds and returns to original state

How to avoid changes in Android's UI, when keyboard is up or orientation is changed?

How can we lock the camera screen orientation during the camera capture process?

Android activity orientation change , each time new instance

Switching between 2 view controllers on same storyboard, on rotation using willAutorotateTo... not working,

How Can I Programmatically Set Screen Rotation Configuration in Cocoa?

Web App manifest: Setting of the default orientation is ignored

How to change the Orientation for fragments in Android?

Losing reference to Android service when returning to Activity after screen orientation change

Spinner popup dialog not adjusting its width on screen rotation

onSurfaceChanged called twice

Android screen orientation handling issue

Detecting mirrored orientation changes in android

How can I use SensorManager.getOrientation for tilt controls like "My Paper Plane"?

iPhone Storyboard: different scene for portrait and landscape