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Running tests from jar with "sbt testOnly" in SBT?

scala sbt scalatest

ScalaTest in Java Eclipse project

java eclipse scala scalatest

how to ignore test utility methods when scalatest detects failures?

scala scalatest

How to implement a ScalaTest FunSuite to avoid boilerplate Spark code and import implicits

How can I combine shared tests with fixtures that require cleanup?

scala scalatest fixtures

How to get ScalaTest correctly reporting tests results when using scalacheck with Propspec and PropertyCheck?

PlayFramework + ScalaTest + ScalaCheck

Scala SuperSafe Community Plugin artifact, sbt 0.13, scala 2.11.8 not resolving

scala scalatest

How to write integration tests for Sparks new Structured Streaming?

scalatest Flatspec: Timeout for entire class

scala testing scalatest

BDD tool for Scala supporting reusable parameterized Gherkin clauses

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ScalaTest: check for contents of a sequence with ShouldMatcher

Asserting on case classes in ScalaTest

Eclipse JUnit runner can't find ScalaTest methods on double click

eclipse scala junit scalatest

Sbt won't run ScalaTest tests

Scalatest: how to check if a collection contains element that satisfies certain criteria

scala scalatest matcher