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Scala SuperSafe Community Plugin artifact, sbt 0.13, scala 2.11.8 not resolving

I want to use ScalaTest in my Scala project more specially the SuperSafe Community Edition. I followed the installation instructions and I am using sbt 0.13 and scala 2.11.8.

I get the following error:

[error] (*:update) sbt.ResolveException: unresolved dependency: com.artima.supersafe#sbtplugin;1.1.0-RC6: not found

I have tried to use the other artifacts related to the scala 2.11.8 but with no luck.

Can I use the SuperSafe Community Edition with sbt 0.3 and scala 2.11.8?

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ozOli Avatar asked Apr 08 '16 08:04


1 Answers

I was facing the same issue while I was getting started with scalatest. I used version 1.0.6-M2 while resolved the error for me. The below 2 lines in plugins.sbt did the trick

resolvers += "Artima Maven Repository" at "http://repo.artima.com/releases"

addSbtPlugin("com.artima.supersafe" % "sbtplugin" % "1.0.6-M2")

like image 64
saurav.varma Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 21:10
