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Why compound types with different order of components are equivalent in Scala?



According to the Scala Language Specification,

Two compound types are equivalent if the sequences of their component are pairwise equivalent, and occur in the same order, and their refinements are equivalent. Two refinements are equivalent if they bind the same names and the modifiers, types and bounds of every declared entity are equivalent in both refinements.

However, given

trait A { val a: Int }
trait B { val b: String }

I'm getting

scala> implicitly[A with B =:= B with A]
res0: =:=[A with B,B with A] = <function1>

i.e. they are considered equivalent, even though the order of components is different. Why?

like image 697
exlevan Avatar asked Aug 18 '15 09:08


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1 Answers

I think the =:= evidence only asserts that each is the upper bound of the other.

trait A; trait B

import scala.reflect.runtime.{universe => ru}

val ab = ru.typeOf[A with B]
val ba = ru.typeOf[B with A]
ab =:= ba   // false!
ab <:< ba   // true!
ba <:< ab   // true!

The implicit from Predef you get basically if LUB(X, Y) == X == Y, because then the implicit resolution finds =:=.tpEquals with the inferred upper bound.

This is most likely what you want, because it means that you can treat one type as the other, and that works because the members of A with B are equal to the members of B with A even if the trait linearisation in the implementations is different.

like image 140
0__ Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 01:10
