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spark streaming + kafka - spark session API

Creating a broadcast variable with SparkSession ? Spark 2.0

Should I block on a Future - scala


Akka stream - Splitting a stream of ByteString into multiple files

scala stream akka akka-stream

Scala anonymous function syntax and return type

scala anonymous-function

Lightbend Lagom and Akka: Unable to hit rest endpoint of lagom services

Scala Array[String] to Java String varargs

scala variadic-functions

Redefine an sbt task conditional on a setting

scala sbt

Cannot copy case class with repeated parameters


apache spark agg( ) function

scala apache-spark-sql

Scala: printing a DateTime object in specific format


How to add the "--deploy-mode cluster" option to my scala code

Can implicit value be also a lazy value when used as implicit method parameter value?


Is it possible to do finally with Try? [duplicate]

scala exception

Condition on rows content of dataframe in Spark scala

Cross join runtime error: Use the CROSS JOIN syntax to allow cartesian products between these relations

Case Classes with Same Shape?

scala shapeless

Scala trait and class in the same file

scala coding-style

Intersection and merge/join two maps in Scala


Subqueries, Having and GroupBy in Slick

sql scala aggregate slick