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New posts in scala

scala: Cannot check match for unreachability

Do parenthesized groups work in Scala?

regex scala

Scala - infer type parameters


How do I intercept all controller requests in Play 2 + Scala?

scala playframework

Cake pattern: one component per implementation, or one component per trait?

scala cake-pattern

"new" Keyword doesn't work with immutable Queue

scala stack queue

Can't convert unicode symbols to cyrillic

Scalatest and scalamock - dependency trouble involving SuiteMixin

Scala Option return type


Why does Scala compiler reject function body with no leading space?


Incomprehensible syntax in Scala

scala syntax

Class parameter (generics) for singleton object


Play Framework 2.1.1 Json Writes nested objects

Reading and filtering a file into a string


What sbt plugins are available for frequent (multiple times per day) releases of a project from git?

Multi-threading in Scala -- dealing only with immutability

java multithreading scala

String.format causes an error


Is org.joda.time.DateTimeFormat thread safe?

scala concurrency jodatime

Cannot find Await from akka

scala akka

Testing a page that is loaded after a redirect

scala playframework specs2