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New posts in scala-cats

List of Kleisli to Kleisli of list

scala scala-cats kleisli

List[String] does not have a member traverse from cats

Achieving Ad hoc polymorphism at function parameter level (mixing parameters of different type)

Effect abstraction in Cats and parallel execution

Is there any way to lift content from IO to other container without run?

Using EitherT to evaluate the results of operations using a shared error type inheritance?

Cats.sequence error while applied on list of either

scala scala-cats

Why would validation break the monad laws?

Cannot find an implicit value for ContextShift[cats.effect.IO] in http4s version 19.0.0

Cats Validated with mapN

scala scala-cats

What is Store in scalaz

What is the diff between implicit def and implicit val?

scala scala-cats

Eagerly-evaluate-and-forget behavior for Cats Effect IO

scala scala-cats

Doobie transact over a list of ConnectionIO programs

scala scala-cats doobie

How can I validate Option values with Cats validation?

scala validation scala-cats

Doobie - lifting arbitrary effect into ConnectionIO

Value withFilter is not a member of Cats IO in for comprehension

scala scala-cats