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New posts in scala-cats

How to convert a `NonEmptyList[Either[Error, User]]` to `Either[Error, NonEmptyList[User]]` with cats?

scala list scala-cats either

Scala: Cats, OptionT[Future, T] and ApplicativeError

scala scala-cats

Can't call map method in function with cats library

scala scala-cats

Why Semigroupal for types that have Monad instances don't combine?

scala scala-cats

Fold on NonEmptyList

scala scala-cats

Cartesian product of three lists with cats

cats' NonEmptyList vs scala stdlib ::

scala scala-cats

Scala, cats, http4s - does not recognize <+> symbol from Http4s

scala scala-cats http4s

Reduce / fold over list of monoid but reducer returns Either

flatMap ignoring the result

scala monads scala-cats

How to turn `Either[Error, Option[Either[Error, Account]]]` to `Either[Error, Option[Account]]` with typelevel cats?

value flatMap is not a member of type parameter F[Long] when using cats.effect

EitherT: Call function returning Either only if a certain condition is true (otherwise return right)

Scala Cats or Scalaz typeclass scanLeft like

How to implement Functor[Dataset]

Compose optional queries for for-comprehension in doobie?

Semigroup typeclass (Either) with slightly altered combine

Is there a library in F# that is similar to scalaz, cats and arrow (Kotlin)?

Implement while(true) in cats [closed]

scala scala-cats

Making sense of Scala FP Libraries