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New posts in scala-cats

Making multiple API calls in a functional way

Scala Cats State Monad

scala scala-cats

Recovering underlying Future into Cats' EitherT's Left?

scala scala-cats

Using functions as applicative functors/cartesians

scala scala-cats

Understanding IO monad

Converting a list of either to a cats ValidatedNel

scala scala-cats

How to stop execution in for-comprehension if Option is None using cats IO?

How to use cats and State Monad

What is the ? type?

scala scala-cats

How to use the free monad with Future[M[_]]

Convert Set to cats.data.NonEmptySet?

scala scala-cats

Convert List[Either[A, B]] to Either[List[A], List[B]]

scala scala-cats

How to create Async[Future] from Async[IO]

scala scala-cats doobie

Using arbitrary trees with Free Monads in Scala+Cats

Doobie cannot find or construct a Read instance for type T

Combining `OptionT` and `EitherT` to handle `Future[Either[Error, Option[T]]]`

scala scalaz scala-cats

How to add proper error handling to cats-effect's Resource

Conditional state monad expressions