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New posts in scala-2.9

How should one start on creating a sbt plugin?

plugins sbt scala-2.9

Why is this not faster using parallel collections?

Constructor cannot be instantiated to expected type; p @ Person

scala scala-2.9

Why doesn't scala's parallel sequences have a contains method?

converting Akka's Future[A] to Future[Either[Exception,A]]

Case classes and Proxy behaviour in Scala 2.9

Reference a constructor argument from a trait

How can I sort List[Int] objects?

scala sorting scala-2.9

Strange behavior of Set4 in scala 2.9.1?

Getting started with Scala, Scalatest, and Maven

What is Scala REPL's tab completion telling me here?

How do you make a list with 100 1s in Scala 2.9

scala scala-2.9

Scala Parallel Collections- How to return early?

How can I best troubleshoot "Potentially incompatible versions of dependencies" in sbt

scala sbt scala-2.9

Why do case classes extend only Product and not Product1, Product2, ..., ProductN?

scala scala-2.9

What new features will be added to Scala 2.9?

scala scala-2.9

Add tools.jar in the classpath of sbt project

coin change algorithm in scala using recursion

scala scala-2.9

How do I replace the fork join pool for a Scala 2.9 parallel collection?

Is there a way to declare an implicit val inside a for comprehension?