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Permanent variable in Rails

"request invite" gem?

rubygems not working on Synology DS209

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Error with autotest in ruby on rails

gem install: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension

Gem build "recipe for target 'stemmer.so' failed"

ruby rubygems cygwin jekyll

bash: command not found capify . RVM, Mac 10.8.4

Could not find ffi-1.9.4 in any of the sources

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Destroying UpVotes on acts_as_votable

The bundle currently has rails locked at 3.2.12. whats to do?

Error installed 'wdm' gem on Windows system

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I ran 'gem update' by accident can i revert it?

ruby-on-rails rubygems

Are there Ruby on Rails workflow gems with user-defined states?

How to change Ruby Version for rails application

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How to cache methods in ruby?

ruby caching rubygems

"There was an error while trying to load the gem 'mysql2'. (Bundler::GemRequireError)" error shows up after redmine installation

What is the difference between Ruby Gem and Rails plugin?

ruby-on-rails rubygems

SimpleCov rspec and cucumber separately

Reload rubygems in irb?

ruby rubygems irb