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Install RMagick on openSUSE 11.3 - gem failed to build its extension

ruby rubygems rmagick opensuse

Error when trying to run gem install

ruby-on-rails ruby rubygems

How do I use other build systems with rubygems?

How to reference parent model from Carrierwave Uploader object

How to override Constant of a gem? (Ruby on Rails)

rails server throws `require': cannot load such file -- bigdecimal/util (LoadError)

The annoying 'Network error while fetching' while bundle install

Is there a version manager for Ruby gems?

ruby unzip - fails with uninitialized constant ZIP::File

Cannot install any ruby gems on Mac OS - SSL_connect error

ruby macos ssl rubygems

Ruby gem with native extensions not working on AWS Lambda

what's exactly the difference in performance between pagy and kaminari gems, and who's better?

Using Thor for generators in a Ruby gem

ruby rubygems thor

Ecommerce Gems for ROR? [closed]

Why does my Sproutcore development server drop connections with "invalid byte sequence in US-ASCII"?

ruby rubygems

mysql gem vs mysql2 gem and 'each_hash' method

how to limit the number of location with rubygeocoder gem?

Can the merit gem recalculate reputation and re-evaluate badges and ranks?

`require': cannot load such file -- HTTParty (LoadError)

ruby ubuntu rubygems

Why is Heroku's heroku-18 stack only compatible with Puma versions 3.7.x?

ruby heroku rubygems puma