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New posts in rubygems

Unable to activate concurrent-ruby-ext-1.1.3, because concurrent-ruby-1.1.4 conflicts with concurrent-ruby (= 1.1.3) (Gem::ConflictError)

ruby-on-rails ruby rubygems

nokogiri not installing in ruby 2.7.1 centos 7.2

Could not find 'ffi' (>= 1.3.0) among 85 total gem(s) (Gem::MissingSpecError) React native IOS on pod install

Acts_as_paranoid, is_paranoid... Alternatives?

ruby-on-rails ruby rubygems

rake tasks are not discovered in rails 3

Difficulty installing RSpec on Windows

ruby windows-7 rubygems rspec

Ruby soap4r wsdl2ruby.rb errors

ruby rubygems

How to implement rufus-scheduler in Rails?

gem and/or Ruby on Rails broke all of a sudden, anyone know what happened?

ruby macos rubygems

cant install rhc openshift client on ubuntu 11.10 64 bit

Error Compiling Postgres pg gem on Ubuntu 12.04 [duplicate]

gem install with additional include and lib paths

Error installing Ruby in Rails in Maverick

Error installing compass in OSX Yosemite (or Sierra)

ruby macos rubygems compass

Don't know how to build task 'rails'

Error when trying to install devise in Ruby on Rails 7.0.0

Ruby: What does Errno::EEXIST mean when installing a gem?

ruby rubygems

How to update a single commit on a Gem?

Installed RVM, rvm commands do not work

Why is my rubgems not making symbolic links to binaries?

ruby ubuntu rubygems gem rvm