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New posts in roxygen2

roxygen2 "Error: titlerequires a value"

r roxygen roxygen2

roxygenise just one .R file to add the file and its documentation to a package

r roxygen2

How to document RcppExports.R linking functions?

r rcpp roxygen2

Documenting setAs() and setOldClass() with Roxygen

r roxygen2

Why will this R package not install and how can I fix it?

roxygen2: function not exported to NAMESPACE even after using @export

r roxygen2

Use Roxygen to make S3method in NAMESPACE

r roxygen2

Documenting setter functions with roxygen

How should I reference functions in imported packages?

r namespaces roxygen2

How does Roxygen to handle infix binary operators (eg. %in%)?

r roxygen roxygen2

auto set options in own package

r package devtools roxygen2

Stuck with definition of S3 method for autoplot

r r-package roxygen2 r-s3

What's the preferred means for defining an S3 method in an R package without introducing a dependency?

r project roxygen2 r-s3

In Sublime Text 3, how can I change the comment character?

sublimetext3 roxygen2

roxygen2 and RStudio, not creating the documentation for the functions

r rstudio roxygen2 roxygen

Using unbalanced brace in Roxygen/Rd code example

r roxygen2 rd

Arguments descriptions order in .Rd file when using the roxygen2 tag @inheritParams

r roxygen2

S4 documentation of "[" with 'missing' arguments

r s4 roxygen2

R package fails devtools::check, because "could not find function" even though the function is imported in NAMESPACE

Cannot call roxygenize function from Rscript batch file

r roxygen2 rscript