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New posts in rounding

Evaluate 1/tanh(x) - 1/x for very small x

python numpy math rounding

Java Math RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN different results

Rounding up and down by Math Round() [duplicate]

c# math rounding

Why does rounding the floating-point number 1.4999999999999999 produce 2?

Change how numbers are printed in psql

Using toFixed(2) and math round to get correct rounding

javascript rounding

Math.Round for decimal

c# rounding

Rounding values in a numpy array resulting from matrix calculation

python matrix numpy rounding

BASH rounding float to the nearest tenth

bash decimal rounding

C# Rounding 2 decimals: Truncate vs Round

c# truncate rounding

Unexpected rounding of double types in C++ writing to file

c++ rounding ofstream

Round down to nearest multiple of 10000 using PHP

php rounding

How to round down to the nearest power of 10?

c++ objective-c c rounding floor

Using SSE to round in Delphi

How do I specify the rounding mode for floating point numbers?

write.csv precision R

r csv rounding

How Close is the Javascript Math.Round to the C# Math.Round?

javascript c# rounding

How to make "pretty rounding"?

r rounding

C++ significant figures

Why C# round and SQL round functions yields different outputs?

c# sql-server rounding