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New posts in root

How to remove app from launcher (on a rooted device) programmatically

android root launcher

Get root dialog in Python on Mac OS X, Windows?

How to access Unix root or /usr directory using Mac OS X Finder point-and-click interface?

macos unix root

MySQL root password does not work in Windows

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How to elevate to root within a python script?

Using Robocopy to exclude a file extension from the root directory

directory root robocopy

Does Developing Android Applications require a Rooted Device?

android root rooted-device

Starting PostgreSQL server failed after modification of postgresql.conf using the sudo command

python run command as normal user in a root script

python root

How to check for root prvileges from the user in Ruby?

ruby root sudo

SVN best practice - checking out root folder

svn root svn-checkout

mysql root permission to update information_schema error

mysql permissions root

root classes in linqpad

root linqpad nested-class

Can I install Mercurial in my home directory?

how to get the root ancestors in a hierarchy query using oracle-10g?

How can my app access admin level privileges on non-rooted device?

java android root

mysql access denied for user 'odbc'@'localhost' to database

mysql root

Execute local script on remote Linux host

bash root host

Make python enter password when running a csh script

Allowing PHP to execute a bash script with root permissions

php bash exec root