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New posts in rhino-mocks

Reusing a verified Mock

c# rhino-mocks

Rhino - Mocking classes and not overriding virtual methods

How to mock HttpContext.Current.GetOwinContext() with Nunit and RhinoMocks?

Stub property setter with Rhino.Mocks to execute an action when called?

Can't get RhinoMocks to emit a mock that follows the generic type restriction rules

c# rhino-mocks

Rhino Mock Expect

RhinoMocks: Clear or reset AssertWasCalled()

Unit Testing error "Object reference not set to an instance of an object."

Equivalent of LastCall.IgnoreArguments in EasyMock

unit test smell

Moq equivalent to Rhino Mock's GetArgumentsForCallsMadeOn

moq rhino-mocks

Rhino Mocks exhibits different behaviour in debug mode

c# rhino-mocks

How do I mock the method GetValues() in System.Data.IDataReader?

Rhino Mocks - Proper usage of Arg<T>.Ref

c# unit-testing rhino-mocks

Rhino Mocks - Do we really need stubs? [closed]

How would I go about unit testing this?

Rhino Mocks, VerifyAllExpectations

Mocking COM Interfaces using Rhino Mocks

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Why use a Mocking Framework?

c# .net mocking moq rhino-mocks