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RhinoMocks: Clear or reset AssertWasCalled()

How can I verify a mock is called in the "act" portion of my test ignoring any calls to the mock in the "arrange" portion of the test.

public void ShouldOpenThrottleWhenDrivingHome()
    var engineMock = MockRepository.GenerateStub<IEngine>();
    var car = new Car(engineMock);
    car.DriveToGroceryStore(); // this will call engine.OpenThrottle


    engine.AssertWasCalled(e => e.OpenThrottle());

I'd prefer not to try an inject a fresh mock or rely on .Repeat() because the test then has to know how many times the method is called in the setup.

like image 840
Brian Low Avatar asked Oct 14 '11 19:10

Brian Low

1 Answers

In these situations I use a mock instead of a stub and combination of Expect and VerifyAllExpectations:

var engineMock = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IEngine>();
var car = new Car(engineMock);
car.DriveToGroceryStore(); // this will call engine.OpenThrottle

engineMock.Expect(e => e.OpenThrottle());



In this case the expectation is placed on the method after the arranging is complete. Sometimes I think of this as its own testing style: Arrange, Expect, Act, Assert

like image 142
Gene C Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 14:10

Gene C