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Is there any good way to switch different context between Unit Test and Release. in C#

I have some context in code to be switched depending on whether it is running under test or release. Say in my product coding:

PublishRequest(); // the real one
//PublishRequestPsudo(); // the one want to be run during unit test

The way I am thinking about is make a TestFlag class:

if (!TestFlag.PublishFlag)

This seems verbose if I have many place to do that. Is there any good pattern to do it?

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demaxSH Avatar asked May 30 '11 07:05


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1 Answers

A pretty good way to acheive the same is Dependency Injection/Inversion Of Control

Another good resource on this is Caching ArchitectureTestability, Dependency Injection and Multiple Providers

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Furqan Hameedi Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 12:09

Furqan Hameedi