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New posts in restful-url

Get PUT params with Slim PHP

php rest put restful-url slim

REST services - exposing non-data "actions"

Is passing the tenant in a custom HTTP header RESTful?

Do I violate RESTfulness when using POST as UPDATE OR CREATE

HTTP POST response Location header when creating multiple resources

Do REST API URLs have to look like this?

api rest restful-url

Accessing versions/revisions of an object in a RESTful API

Is it okay to use same resource name for both get and post rest api

Is an API endpoint that differentiates what resources to return based on user credentials RESTful and good URI design?

RESTful API - Designing sub-resources

rest restful-url

How to add method description in Swagger UI in WebAPI Application

Restful URLs with data in query string or request body?

rest restful-url

How to handle hierarchical routes in ASP.NET Web API?

Spring MVC Controller: Redirect without parameters being added to my url

java spring-mvc restful-url

RESTful POSTS, do you POST objects to the singular or plural Uri?

rest restful-url

Proper route for checking resource existence in a RESTful API [closed]

api rest restful-url

Confusion Between Noun vs. Verb in Rest URLs

rest restful-url

What is the difference between @PathParam and @PathVariable [closed]

Passing array in GET for a REST call

How to access the services from RESTful API in my angularjs page?