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New posts in angularjs-service

Angular directive not picking up service data

Initializing AngularJS service factory style

AngularJS pass variable to service

Using angular factories and services interchangeably - no error

Initialize Angular Service (factory) when application start

Is the $scope.$apply() call warranted for this scenario?

unable to get data from $q into scope

Dirty checking with shared service between controllers, One way works the other does not?

AngularJS - Controller resource call not passing parameters to service factory?

Possible to use a custom Angular service before bootstrap?

How to create a Angular.js $resource/$http factory service to handle a query string with multiple parameters from an external resource?

AngularJS: Using "this" in an interval function within a service

Convert String to Function in AngularJS

AngularJS services independent of modules on multiple pages

Why would you use service instead of factory in angular? [duplicate]

AngularJS testing: Mocking $httpBackend - Handling Success and Error Methods

Sharing data between controllers AngularJS

AngularJS redirect not occurring in interceptor

AngularJS: How to handle success and error call backs with ngResource?