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New posts in angularjs-controller

Initializing AngularJS service factory style

angularjs - how to get in the controller the index of an item in a ng-repeat filter based on the value of one of its properties?

AngularJS $http use response in multiple controllers

AngualrJS $http returns undefined?

Same "controller as" name in angular js directive breaks function in parent controller

Change a value inside ng-repeat cycle with ng-click

AngularJS Drop down values change Dynamically

Controller being called twice in Ionic (AngularJS)

How to retrieve the value from textbox using AngularJs?

How do I resolve and assign an inner controller from the outer's scope?

Get parent controller in child controller which all use 'controller as vm' notation

What is the difference between passing a function and array as an AngularJS controller?

Using this instead of $scope inside controller

TypeError: (intermediate value)(intermediate value).success is not a function (angular)

changing model objects inside controllers to manipulate DOM - angular js- Best practices?

How to avoid code duplication when using controllers with similar methods?

Angular.js Controller Not Working

Reinitialize an Angular.js controller

AngularJS ng-controller not working