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New posts in angularjs-digest

Is the $scope.$apply() call warranted for this scenario?

How to check if the digest cycles have stabilized (aka "Has angular finished compilation?")

ondragstart, ondragover,onstart - $scope is not defined

The Url of dialog box does not work with angular.bootstrap (infinite $digest Loop)

Angular: why isn't $evalAsync called $applyAsync?

In what order do angular watchers and event listeners execute?

$digest already in progress when calling $rootScope.$apply() in quick succession

Angular : Update model from directive

AngularJS : How to edit $scope from the console? [duplicate]

"TypeError: Illegal invocation" when trying to upgrade from v1.2

Infinite Digest Loop in AngularJS filter

$apply already in progress when sending a click event to a button?

$apply already in progress error

AngularJS : Prevent error $digest already in progress when calling $scope.$apply()