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JAX-RS 2.0 Client - send multipart message with RESTEasy client

java rest client jax-rs resteasy

Can Swagger JaxRS do ApiModel Inheritance with discriminator?

jax-rs resteasy swagger

Preventing infinite recursion in JAX-RS on JPA Entity Serialization (JSON) (without using Jackson annotations)

java jpa jackson jax-rs resteasy

ResteasyProviderFactory exception in Glassfish

java rest httpclient resteasy

Subresource for target class has no jax-rs annotations

Can I specify the jackson @JsonView to use for method result transformation in RestEasy?

jboss 6.3.0: decent way to remove resteasy and use jersey

jersey resteasy jboss6.x

Deserialize JSON into polymorphic POJO with JSON-B / Yasson

Advantage of RESTEasy over Apache CXF?

Specific MessageBodyWriter for field

java jackson jax-rs resteasy

Tomcat 7.0.30 does not work with Resteasy 2.3.4

java tomcat7 resteasy

RESTEASY002142: Multiple resource methods match request

java rest jax-rs resteasy

Dynamically change RESTEasy service return type

java annotations resteasy

RestEASY Interceptor Not Being Called

RestEasy client: Invalid use of BasicClientConnManager: connection still allocated

How to get target method of a given JAX-RS request?

How to catch RESTEasy Bean Validation Errors?

How do I get the @RolesAllowed annotation to work for my Web application?

Serialize Date in a JSON REST web service as ISO-8601 string

json jax-rs jboss7.x resteasy

Unable to find a MessageBodyReader of content-type application/json and type class java.lang.String