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Custom Response + HTTP status?

java rest jaxb jax-rs

Should I allow sending complete structures when using PUT for updates in a REST API or not?

http rest http-put

Rest API for bugzilla

api rest bugzilla

Rails respond_with is not outputting the status of the rest call

REST Statelessness and user session in web services

web-services api http rest

Which format should I choose to request API in C# - JSON or XML

c# xml json api rest

RESTful authentication as a form of state

Rails API - Versionist vs Rocket Pants

ruby-on-rails-3 api rest

Return value of RESTful Web Service, taking a null value into account

java rest unmarshalling

How to properly format body for post request?

php jquery json rest post

Best Practices and How to support different versions of REST APIs in C# wrapper on client-side

c# api rest version wrapper

Converting RPC style web service operation to a REST service

rest asp.net-web-api

Sending JSON with arbitrary key values using REST service (Jersey/Jackson)

java rest jersey jackson

PUT request to django tastypie resource not working

python django rest put tastypie

get request parameters in Tastypie

ConnectionException connecting a Eve REST API to a MongoDB instance

python api mongodb rest eve

"Unsupported media type" when PUTing to Apigility with Postman

Issue in deploying REST Web Service in eclipse

eclipse rest tomcat jax-rs

Using the HAL vocab with JSON-LD

Store @PathParam values from REST call in a list or array