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New posts in reporting

Power BI to users without Power BI [closed]

JasperReports - specifying multiple fonts?

How can I create on-demand reports once they become too slow for our DB?

Report Viewer (rdcl) in MVVM scenario

.net wpf mvvm reporting

Business data querying/reporting in service oriented architecture

Reliable and fast way to convert a zillion ODT files in PDF?

In SQL, how can I count the number of values in a column and then pivot it so the column becomes the row?

sql reporting survey

SQL Report Server URL growing out of control (ExecId & PingId)

RDLC report doesn't detect NULL values correctly

c# reporting rdlc

What is the best way to collect/report unexpected errors in .NET Window Applications?

Creating a custom SSRS control

How do we group in BIRT without wasting lines, and still only printing the group item on the first line?

reporting grouping birt

Two SQL query inside single JasperReport

What are the best practices for rendering excel sheet reports in Java?

Aggregating Gradle project-report reports for subprojects

gradle project reporting

C# - Creating HTML reports

c# html reporting

Open Source Java Reporting Framework [closed]

Microsoft.Reporting.* vs XML/XSLT

is there any Ruby or Rails reporting tools based on customizable templates?